What is colic?

Many babies suffer from colic in the first months of life. While there is no definitive answer to the question of what causes colic in babies, its effect is clear – an inconsolable baby and stressed mums and dads.

Despite being so common, there are little to no medications to relieve colic symptoms. But some studies suggest that colicky babies could be experiencing such discomfort because the composition of good and bad bacteria in the gut is unbalanced. Probiotics like Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis could help to restore balance by increasing good bacteria in the gut. Signs of colic often peak between the first six and eight weeks of a baby’s life, so it is never too early to supplement a baby’s gut flora.

When does a baby have colic?

The most common criteria to diagnose colic is firstly age. In most caes, colic affects babies under four months. Secondly, is the baby having recurrent and prolonged periods of crying, fussing, or irritability that occur without apparent cause and cannot be prevented or resolved by caregivers.

The inconsolable crying lasts at least three hours a day, three days a week at least one week in an otherwise healthy child. The little ones often cry so much that they turn red in the face, some also make tight fists and raise their legs while crying. Our colic indicator could also provide an idea of whether a baby might be suffering from colic or not. However, this indicator doesn’t replace to see the paediatrician.


Sutrikusios žarnyno veiklos indikatorius

Sutrikusios kūdikių žarnyno veiklos (dieglių) galima išvengti, tačiau, jei simptomai jau pasireiškė, paprastai juos galima sumažinti. Pasitelkdami sutrikusios žarnyno veiklos indikatorių, įvertinkite rizikos, kad Jūsų vaikui galėtų pasireikšti pilvo diegliai, lygį.
Answer the questions and the colic calculator will provide you the result!

What causes colic in babies?

The short answer is: no one really knows for sure. Despite being investigated for decades, the causes or potential causes of baby colic haven’t yet been fully explored.

Clinical studies comparing colicky infants to healthy infants found a lower number of lactobacillus bacteria and higher concentrations of harmful (mainly coliform) bacteria in the digestive tracts of the colicky babies. Such imbalances can lead to various problems, including colic. It is very important not to leave the baby alone when they are crying. Parents should do anything possible to calm the baby down – rocking, singing, hugging or the “tiger in the tree” hold, where you drape the baby along the forearm, tummy down.

Key facts about colic

The symptoms associated with colic can prove very frustrating for new parents, here are some key facts that could make some aspects clearer.

  • A colicky baby is not an unhealthy baby

  • The pain is of unknown origin – any other source should be excluded by a paediatrician

  • Crying is often worse in the evenings, but could occur any time of the day

  • Colic often peaks between six and eight weeks

  • Colic usually ends at around four months of age

  • Studies show that colicky babies have a lower concentration of certain types of healthy gut bacteria

Supplementing with good bacteria such as Limosilactobacillus reuteri Protectis can help to restore the balance.

Baby care

First and foremost, parents should eliminate other possible causes for crying, e.g. hunger, dirty nappy, or fever. There are some golden rules to reduce the risk of colic:

  • The correct breast-feeding technique, so the baby does not swallow air during feeding, and no overfeeding

  • Breastfeeding moms should avoid foods that can cause wind, e.g. pulses and cruciferous vegetables, while those bottle-feeding should try using a formula for sensitive infants to balance the microflora.

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